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We are working to create a skilled workforce in Hertfordshire to meet employers' needs and provide residents with greater opportunities.

Improving productivity

We are committed to driving up productivity across Hertfordshire by creating a skilled and motivated workforce which can adapt to meet current and future business needs. Our core objectives are to:

  • Implement the Hertfordshire Skills and Employment Strategy. This sets out a detailed action plan which takes into account the views and needs of schools, colleges, businesses and other organisations to help increase and develop the capacity of our existing and future workforce.
  • Work towards the targets set out in our Apprenticeship Strategy, and corresponding Apprenticeship Action Plan.
  • Co-ordinate STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) focused activities across the county to help meet the needs of employers within Hertfordshire’s key growth sectors.

Skills & Employment Dashboard

Hertfordshire LEP’s Skills & Employment Dashboard is an interactive resource produced in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council to enable stakeholders to:

  • easily access the latest and most relevant data relating to skills and employment in Hertfordshire;
  • better understand the county’s labour market; and 
  • support data-driven decision making relating to local skills provision.

Explore the Skills & Employment Dashboard.